
Hidden Mode

Prevents extensions from seeing what you do. Hides everything you do here from your history when searching.

open_in_new Open in about:blank


Tab Cloak

Disguises the tab as something else, even in about:blank.


Custom Tab Cloak Remove Cloak

Current Cloak:  Icon:  none,  Title: none

Quick Links

Turn this on to add links that can be accessed quickly via "Quick Links" in the navbar.


Automatic Hidden Mode

Activates Hidden Mode immediately and opens in about:blank. Works best if popups aren't blocked.



Prevents extensions (such as GoGuardian) from closing the tab by showing the "Leave Site?" popup.



Change the theme of the entire website with our many options.

Tabs System

While browsing, show the site URL, title, and icon. Allows for easy & convenient navigation.


Experimental Ad Blocker

Blocks ads on all websites. Works very well and rarely causes unexpected results.


Dev Tools

Allows you to open up a dev panel on the pr‍ox‍y by clicking the cog icon in the bottom right while browsing.


Schoolwork: ELA, Science, History, Math, Literature, Social Studies, and Writing

School has many educational resources where you can learn, study, and gain knowledge.

Research historical events. Analyze scientific experiments. Explain the historical importance. Solve with the quadratic formula. Find the theme of the literature. Learn about George Washington in social studies. Write an essay about educational degrees.